If you are planning to play Rappelz , here is a short guide for you to follow . Hope helpful for you !
So first you start Rappelz.
The next step is to enter your account name and password and then to login. (of course you have to register at first)
Choose a server.
Create a new player with clicking on the create button.
You have the choice between Deva(1st picture), Gaia and Asura(2nd picture).
Deva is the light class. Gaia the middle. Asura the dark. Every Race has its beginner which is mainly the same: Guide-Deva, Rogue-Gaia, Stepper-Asura
Every Race Deva,Gaia and Asura has three main classes: Fighter, Magician and rappelz rupees Pet owner.
Devas characters:
Guide-> -Holy Warrior (Fighter)
-Cleric (Magician)
-Breeder (Pet)
Gaia characters: Rogue-> -Fighter (Fighter)
-Kahuna (Mag)
-Spellsinger (Pet)
Asura characters: Stepper-> -Strider (Fighter)
-Dark Magician (Magician)
-Sorcerer (Pet)
This classes can be chosen after the level 10 is reached.
Take time to create your Character, if you have finished you have to click on decide.
After creating your Character click on his name and then on confirm button.
With Asura race char you start in this area. In this screen you can see the inventory,rappelz rupees where you can put on clothes, weapons, gloves and so on. On the left of the window is the chat channel and at the bottom of the window there is the quick start slot for spells and other actions.
Put clothes and weapon on buy double click on it. On the symbol of the chosen weapon appears a E. It shows you, that you wear sth. The Lightening above the other char shows, that she has a quest for you to do.
Take the quest and look what you have to do.
Fight against the mobs to fulfill your mission.
Level up by killing mobs and fulfilling your missions.
Thank you for reading ! You can search more information about this game in our website news , have a good time !