OnRPG: Will there be a skill, or class reset with the release of Epic VI?
No, there was no class or skill reset.
OnRPG: What can we do with decorative pets? Could you tell us a bit more about that? They will auto-loot for you?
Decorative pets have utility in their ability to automatically pick up items for you. Mostly they just follow you around looking cool or cute and collect loot for you. We are considering adding other functions to them over time, but we're not ready to announce any specific plans for those yet.
OnRPG: Any final words for our readers at onrpg.com?
The response we've gotten for Solus Aurum has been great, and we hope that more players will come and join us in rappelz rupees. We've got events running constantly throughout the holidays that anyone can hop in and enjoy!
OnRPG: Thank you for your time!