PS: People, in comments, keep saying "you need buff cards!" (though they also keep saying 'but I didn't read all of your guide'...) so I'm putting this here again so it's clear: buffs help a lot at higher levels. Much more so than at lower ones, really. So *yes*, good buffs are very important. What I said is simply that your **focus** should be on being a good healer and **then** worry about other things. lvl8 buffs are not *essential* - they're just very nice. They even make your job as a healer easier, yes. A +3 cleric buff card is *tremendously* expensive, though. So that's why I emphasized the above... that clerics needn't feel it essential. Even if everything goes perfectly with the combines, you need: four 1million rupee cards (that's what they sell for on Lydian) and 3 skill cubes. So, around five million... and that's if things go *perfectly* (they won't). So then, realistically, add in the cost of using ancient skill cubes, and we're up at maybe 8-9 million in terms of in-game cost. 8-9 million for one +3 card. See why I emphasized that clerics should probably rely on kahuna buffs?
Spell Arrangement
Hopefully by this point you at least have level 6 heal and level 5 rapid heal. When you first go at level 25-30 to a dungeon, you'll probably want to only use those levels of heals. But as you raise your heal, you definitely want to have two versions of each spell hotkeyed.
Open your skill list, scroll down to Heal and Rapid Heal, and click the arrows next to the spell level to turn the level down, then drag the icon to your hotkey bar.
Now you should have two versions of normal heal on your hotkey bar, and two versions of rapid heal.
For most of DMR I had a level 5 heal/rapid heal hotkeyed and then my highest level heal/rapid heal hotkeyed.
Take "fight" off your hotkey bar... seriously. You shouldn't ever need it and you have a lot of things you need on your hotkey bar.
The most important thing to have on is ***sit***. Press Alt-T and drag the sit icon to one of the main F1-F4 keys. You should be pressing sit every bit as much as heal. Literally, you should be pressing sit twice as much as heal. I'll illustrate how and why later.
You'll also want to have some MP scrolls / potions dragged to a position on the hotkey bar, but not a primary spot. You also need "spell" potions hotkeyed there. (The ones that raise your cast speed). I'll get more rappelz gold into that later as well.