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Rappelz:Cleric guide


Another somewhat obvious strategy is using your "recover MP" skill whenever you can. It'll give you more and more as your MP pool gets larger and larger. I get around 800-900 MP each time I use it now. Every 10 minutes that's a nice bonus to keep me full. Generally I'll try to time using it after I buff the party (if I buff) so that I can fill myself back up. If I'm not buffing, I'll use it after something went wrong... 3-4 mobs came in, a boss, etc. Generally I waste around 1,000 mp if things get really bad, rapid healing and not sitting as much as I should. The recover MP skill gives me a buffer to get me full again after something like that.

Healing Strategy

You'll be using the lower level heal to "top people off" when they're hurt, but not enough to warrant your full heal.

This is ***very*** important for multiple reasons.

First of all, healing for more than someone needs wastes your mana. Secondly, it generates almost twice the "threat" level. If you heal for 1,000 HP, you generate "1000" threat level.

Let's say a puller just brought a mob to your party, but they're badly hurt and you're afraid they might not take even one or two more. What do you do?

If you used your full heal spell, sure, you healed them, but then everything that was on them is now on you and, oops, you created too much threat for the rest of the group to pull them off you quickly enough. If you had used your lower level heal, it would be far easier for someone else to hit one of the mobs and pull aggro. You can always use another lower level rapid to heal the puller again, if they need it. But by splitting the threat into two parts like that I have *often* kept a puller healed without drawing aggro myself where other clerics have pulled them all on themselves.

Again, as I said in the MP Conservation section, you should always be seated unless you're actively healing in that moment. Likewise, you should always have a spell potion activated to increase your cast speed. If you want, tell people that you'll donate less force chips to a party because you keep those active. Buy them from the store or the deluxe spell potions from other players. The best clerics at high levels generally all use deluxe spell potions all the time. I take 30 with me whenever I go into a dungeon. They last 10 minutes each, and you can generally buy them for 3,000 each. So it costs 18k per hour - not bad. At lower levels buy the normal spell potions from the vendors - they're much cheaper. You should always use one of these, though. The top echelon of healers all do. On Lydian server, I've only seen a small handful that do, though - but they're the absolute best healers on the server. It makes a big difference.

[Source:Original] [Author:Admin] [Date:09-02-14] [Hot:]