Hawkman: (Hawkman, Nighthawk, Raven) Excellent tank (a better version of the common Yeti, including similar skills) that deals damage almost up to par with an orc. Has defensive abilities and are quite large and intimidating. Often considered the weakest of the rare pets, Hawkmen are still formidable pets.
Kentauros: (Junior Kenta, Kentauros Avenger, Lord of Kentauros) Excellent damage and dealer and good tank. A better version of the Orc with similar skills, Kentas deal high damage and a decent speed and have many offensive abilities. At this time it is unknown whether or not they have the Strong Warrior buff. Kentas are exceedingly rare, yet insanely good damage dealing pets.
Angel: (Purity Angel, Cherubim, Seraphim) High magic damage dealing pet with heals similar to the blue pixie. Angels are basically an upgraded version of a cross between the Blue and Red Pixies. Angels have moderate to low armor, but deal high magic damage and can heal as well if not better than Blue Pixies, making them a great pet for soloing, dungeon partying, and Player vs. Player-ing.
Now you have get the names of pets in Rappelz Rupees , you can choose one you liked , and raise it with your character in this game . Have a good time !